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I personally feel that everyone in this world store and nurture an internal treasure of knowledge and experiences, that forms the base for his character, behavior and personality. This rare treasure is generally not shared as this makes him vulnerable, But here is mine.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

How to lie, cheat and steal your way to the top

When I was walking around the Crossword, I purposely skipped this book, that was lying in front. Initially I thought, this is not my kind of book. The title itself is against my core values. I don’t remember ever I’ve uttered lie for making fortune or taken a planned revenge or cheat anybody. But just as I was making an exit from the store, I decided to have a glimpse of the book. Not for applying but to understand the extend to which other’s can go for. As I see through the pages, I made the payment too.
The reason is hard to explain but, being in a corporate, this kind of literature cannot be ignored.
Rather, it creates the paradigm shift, that was due for a long time now. The principles stated in the book applies to every corporate and gives answers for lot of weird things happening in and around corporates including the notorious behaviour of your boss.

You may not have to apply cheap tactics proposed in this book but understanding the principles do. It guides you to behave appropriately when situation arises. It guides you to alter some of your habits (invisible enemies of yourself). Most of the literature is not about your moral change but about behaviour and attitude change, which you may choose to make. But understanding them itself will make leaps in your corporate growth.

Perhaps, you have seen ur collegues getting promoted around, some getting higher increements than u, U might have tried ur best to impress ur boss, but still u might feel that u r standing at the centre of a crossing at midnight and u r not sure which road u have to choose and whatever roads u have tried has not given the right direction.
Here comes the light house which clearly illuminates the path u need to take to the top.

If you are in corporate, I strongly recommend you to read this book. Your growth gets insured.

P.S. The style of writing is literally a fun to read.

1 comment:

Jagjit said...

gotta buy this one. hope it does justice to your nice review :)