Pleased to see you on my blog. Cheers.......

I personally feel that everyone in this world store and nurture an internal treasure of knowledge and experiences, that forms the base for his character, behavior and personality. This rare treasure is generally not shared as this makes him vulnerable, But here is mine.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Notes to Myself

This tiny book was gifted to me by my x-girl friend. When I just went through the book, initially I thought this book is supposed to be read by the people who feel lonely, solitaire, may be depressed or may be a kind of people who need a revival in life.
Owing to the size of the book, it was lying in my bedside for a long time. I used to read it in bits and pieces, as this literature has an interesting and contemplative poetic expression. After reading every stanza, I used to compare with my life style, my beahaviour etc, just in a casual way.
But in due course, I noticed this book has become a handbook for my life. This tiny book covers all kind of personality aspects like fear, courage, compassion, emotions etc and it moreover subtly explains the proper meaning of existence and tunes our behaviour for success.
Generally, these kind of value books used to be boring, or generally predictive kind of nature. But this one has all the masala for a reader to grab this book throughout his life. This is like a kind of movie that we cherish every time we see even after seeing the film for dozen times and the movie is 10 years old.
In short, This is a GREAT HANDBOOK that every human being should read, more so, if he is depressed, lonely or at a time of failure. If u have a library kind of thing, preserve this book for your upcoming generations. U can also buy a dozen of this book and gift to the people u care for.
P.S.: When I say poetic expression, It needs that extra bit of English acumen to comprehend this book. (IF I CAN DO, U CAN ALSO DO. Only thing is u need to realize and do not take it direct sense.)


Rima Kaur said...
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Rima Kaur said...

i am an avid reader. can you tell me whos the publisher?

Razigan said...

U can refer in this site....