Pleased to see you on my blog. Cheers.......

I personally feel that everyone in this world store and nurture an internal treasure of knowledge and experiences, that forms the base for his character, behavior and personality. This rare treasure is generally not shared as this makes him vulnerable, But here is mine.

Friday, October 17, 2008

What colour is your parachute

I decided to buy this book in 20 secs, as I glanced through fromthe Crossword book store. Optimistically I looked at price. The tag was Rs. 650/-, but the hesitation lasted only for a second. From the very next moment, the book started changing my life. This book has an infinite ROI (return of investment) as the content inspires you to choose a life sensible and richer simultaneously. Honestly speaking, I regret to see this book so late in my life. It has many fold benifits to shape your life when you were younger.

Unlike other self improvement kind of books, where u need to read, and practice and put lot of boring efforts to reap fruit by fruit with time, this book is instant and automatic.

Take my word and catch hold of this book.............

1 comment:

MiraclesMagic said...

WOww. I'd have really like to read that boook~

not sure if it would be available around here but yeah xDD