Pleased to see you on my blog. Cheers.......

I personally feel that everyone in this world store and nurture an internal treasure of knowledge and experiences, that forms the base for his character, behavior and personality. This rare treasure is generally not shared as this makes him vulnerable, But here is mine.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

3 mistakes of my life

Hi dears,

In the short official trip to Faridabad, after a heavy booze and dinner, I drowsingly thought I should give some time for my tummy to start digesting. I decided to glance the new novel I bought after a long time. Started reading the first page, and while I was at 50th page, I wondered, this 250 page handy crap is refusing to get down, right from the first sentence, inspite of the 400ml of Nine hills red wine thrusting an anti-novel effect.

I paused, and took pride - "India, finally got a indigineous sydney sheldon (ofcourse with UA certification)". I exercised 97.5% self control and went on to sleep at 2:00AM - I have to flush atleast by 8:00 AM to catch up the rustic assignment.

In the evening, a bit worried witnessing another wash out in the bear market on the TV, my mind started plotting a strategy of re-visiting portfolio... , futuristic economic forecosting. ..., factoring... ..., Beta analysis.... , cramp...., a confused solution.... Stop & mission Dropped. Started reading the novel again (with artificial depression), a bell rang at room service in the hotel at 3:00AM , "Sir, do u serve dinner / breakfast at this time?"

But, this book is worth it. I wonder - Why do these hollywood people spend so much money on creating 3 hour movies, when a book like this can give a better cinematic experience with longer climax and excitement?

The eternal flash thoughts like

1. how 20 million australia consistently win more medals and have stronger cricket team than 1000 million India?

2. Why these Hindu and Muslim become dragons during issues?

3. Why emotional Indians couldn't make big businesses?

4. Why my passion is considered as selfishness?

5. When and Where can I see topless girls?are explained in this book.It's a must read, trust me....

Yaan petra inbum, Peruga Ivvayyagam.

Urz luv"ly,


P.S.: Week hearts don't read the climax.

The subject book is authored by Chetan Bhagat


Rima Kaur said...

I have a perfectly normal heart but a few instances in the book shook me up. Spooky, scary, eerie - I never thought I would be using these words to describe a non-horror book. But hey, I didn't find the book to be as great as it is made out to be. It is a masala Bollywood movie + (put anything here) mixed together.

Razigan said...

U r correct. I tried to mean the same.

May be I prefer to have masala in life, "Like I'm a great fan of Rajnikanth".

I personally feel, masala (crazy things) make your life special.